Use this tab to manage your invoice refund records. Note that refunds made using Bambora via Brisk Invoicing will reflect in Bambora's back office but not the other way around.New Refund button Click this button to open the Refunds and Returns window.
Customer Choose a customer from the pull down list to see which refund options are available.
New Refund
Select the method of the refund to apply.
Adjust Invoice (If available) Choose this button to adjust the invoices of the selected customer.
Issue Credit Note (If available) Choose this button to issue a credit note to the selected customer.
Record Customer Refund (If available) Choose this button to issue a refund to the selected customer.
Date Select the refund date.
Reference Number (Optional) Enter a reference number for this refund. This is an optional field.
Total Refund Amount Enter the amount of the refund to apply.
Apply Refund Click this button to record the refund. You can print, email, or view it later, if needed.
Cancel Click this button to ignore the changes made on this window.
Refunds List
- Search and Filter:
- Period: Select a date period from this drop-down menu, and click 'Search' button to view the record list from the selected period.
- Start: Select or enter a start date if you want to view the record list from a custom date period.
- End: Select or enter a end date if you want to view the record list from a custom date period.
- Keyword: Enter a search keyword (i.e. refund number, customer name) if you want to further filter the list. Disabled when adjusting invoices from the selected customer.
- Search button: You must click this button to filter the record list for the specified period or search keyword.
- Date: The date the refund was created.
- Refund Number: This number is automatically generated by Brisk Invoice. Click on the link to download the record as a PDF file.
- Customer: The customer's name.
- Method: The refund method used for the payment to customer.
- Invoice Number: This is the number that was given to the refund when it was created.
- Refund Reference: A reference number that can be used for documentation needs.
- Amount: The amount of refund paid to the customer.
- Action: You can perform the following actions to the customer's entry.
- Edit: Click this button to edit the currently selected customer record.
- View: Save a refund receipt as a PDF file on your computer. This contains items details of each invoice.
- Email: Select this option to email refund receipt or refund statement.
- Delete: To delete customer records, click this button on the customers you wish to remove from the list.
Left menu bar Click here to open help manual for the left menu bar.