Enter the official name of the business (e.g., Acme Corporation, Inc).
Registered NumberIn many countries, each business has an official number which must be displayed on the invoice. Please enter it here.
AddressEnter the address of your business as you want it to be printed on the invoice.
PhoneEnter the phone number of your business.
FaxEnter the fax number of your business.
WebsiteEnter the web address of your business.
Company EmailEnter the email address of your business.
Logo image fileTo Add a logo to invoices, statements and other reports, you can select the file path to a jpg/bmp/gif/png image.
Logo height (In inches. Range: 0.10 to 3)Enter the desired height of the company logo to be printed on invoices, reports and other PDF documents.
Delete Logo Button (if available)Click this button to delete your business logo.
Save SettingsClick this button to record the changes made on this tab.